

Names: Lincoln City, Lincoln, Lincoln Park

Location: Lincoln State Park

County: Spencer (the only tower in this county)

Topo quad: Santa Claus

Condition: Standing; climbable up into cab. Fun climb and great view.


Santa Claus topo quad, 1960


My coordinates (unofficial)38.095829-86.990497
NGS LINCOLN PARK LOOKOUT TOWER (JA1844) (Google Maps)38 05 48.30166(N)086 59 24.36412(W)


The above picture was seen on the wall at the Lincoln State Park nature center in June 2024. Cropped from my picture is a handwritten note that says “circa 1937”. This suggests that the tower existed in 1937.

A July-August 1982 article in OI mentions: “A tall fire tower enables vista viewing.”

Personal photos

Personal photo of Lincoln City tower from 2019
Personal photo of Lincoln City tower from 2019
Personal photo of sign near Lincoln City tower