Weed Patch


Names: Weed Patch, Weedpatch

Location: Brown County State Park

County: Brown (other tower in Brown County is Lilly, which is north of Nashville)

Topo quad: Nashville

Condition: Standing. The cab is not open, but the tower can be climbed up to a point. Easy to reach and park; fun to climb.


Above: Nashville topo quad, 1947

Above: Part of a fun old hand-drawn map of Brown County, seen at Brown County State Park


Latitude: 39.1666233

Longitude: -86.2166096


I am not sure when this tower was built. The first Hohenberger photo below is attributed to 1927 but that seems too early to believe. (In comparison, the Henryville tower is from 1928 and is widely considered the first tower in Indiana.) The wooden sign currently standing at Weedpatch tower says that it was built in the 1930s.

Above photos from IU Lilly Library Frank M Hohenberger Photograph Collection. Bookmark for 1927 photo. Bookmark for 1931 photo. Courtesy, The Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.

Above: An OI article from November 1979 says that “a fire tower is open, providing an outstanding view of the countryside for many miles around.”

Personal photo of wooden sign at base of Weedpatch lookout tower from 2022